Personal Branding

How Much Does Personal Brand Photography cost?

Once you have identified your business brand, got the logo sorted, the content for your website, etc its time to turn your attention to a part of your brand identity that you can’t afford to overlook, getting your personal brand photography done.

Sadly too many businesses. especially new start-ups tend to think getting brand photography done is out of their budget. Nothing could be further from the truth, so how much does brand photography cost?

Is Brand Photography Expensive?

The cost of brand photography can vary depending on the photographer, the equipment needed, the location, and other factors.

Typically, professional brand photographers charge either by the hour, with rates ranging from £100 per hour upwards or they will sell specific packages that start from around £800. My own prices start at £795 depending on what your business needs are.

If you need a large number of images taken, or if you need special equipment or props, the cost can be higher.

However, if you keep your shoot simple and only need a few images, the cost will be lower.

The best way to get an accurate quote for your brand photography is to contact a few different photographers in your area and ask for estimates. Once you have a few estimates, you can compare prices and services to find the best photographer.

How Photographers Price

How photographers price their brand shoot sessions will vary greatly but in most cases, there are some important factors in play when it comes to how photographers charge for their brand photography sessions.

These factors will work as a price guide for photographers when it comes to giving quotes for your brand photography shoot. So let’s take a look at the factors in play when it comes to the cost of a brand photoshoot.

Key Photography Pricing Factors

  1. The first and possibly one of the most important factors when it comes to the cost of brand photography pricing is the experience of the photographer. A photographer who has been in business for many years will have a higher rate than someone just starting out.
  2. The second factor is the amount of time needed to complete the project. If you need a lot of images, or if the shoot will take place over multiple days, it will cost more than a single headshot or a few product photos.
  3. The third factor is the equipment needed. If the photographer needs to rent special equipment or bring in additional lighting, this will add to the cost. Some types of brand shoots will involve a lot more equipment and props than others so its important to keep that in mind.
  4. The fourth factor is the number of people involved. This is an important point to keep in mind. If you need a makeup artist, hairstylist, or other professionals to help with the shoot, this will increase the cost. Finding this out will be an important part of planning and preparing for your shoot. Now in some cases, the photographer will sell a package that includes the cost of hair and makeup and they organise for that person to come, however in other cases you will have to book and pay for these people separately Finding this out will be an important part of planning and preparing for your shoot. Now in some cases, the photographer will sell a package that includes the cost of hair and makeup and they organise for that person to come, however in other cases you will have to book and pay for these people separately.
  5. Factor number five is the location of the shoot. If the shoot takes place in a studio or your own home, then the cost will be lower than if it takes place on location, or if you have to hire a space, etc then you can expect to pay more. Sometimes a photographer will hire a venue out for a day and then organise several shoots for that day which will help keep the cost down.
  6. The sixth factor is usage rights. When you purchase brand photography, you are also purchasing the rights to use the images across all of your social media platforms, your website, and advertising.

It’s important that you feel comfortable with your photographer so it’s OK to speak to a few to find the one that’s the best fit for you. You could look for recommendations, look at Google reviews.

How Much Does Personal Brand Photography cost
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You can also look at any photography case studies that the photographer has, and have a chat with them about your expectations. This will help you find the best fit for your business, and of course price point will be a part of that.

Brand photography can sometimes seem expensive but you need to think about the benefits to your business of having a brand photography shoot.

Your photography is a professional in what they do and will have so much experience they can tap into that will bring the best results.

What may be just an hour-long shoot is only possible because of years of experience.

So I hope that this has helped answer the question “How much does personal brand photography cost”, at the end of the day you will be able to find a photographer at a price point that suits you as long as you keep in mind the value that this will be bringing to your business.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask and get in touch if you would like a quote for your own shoot!

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How Much Does Personal Brand Photography cost?
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